Former NHL hockey player Brendan Morrison shares why he hunts.

1Campfire – “IHunt” Web Series

Multiple Releases 2021 through current

Since 2021 we have been working with the not-for-profit organization 1Campfire to help share stories about hunting.

1Campfire was created to share more authentic and honest stories about why people hunt or support hunting.

The stories are told through the eyes of people’s experiences. “I Hunt” was created to share stories and personal views on why people hunt, what got them into hunting, or why they support hunting. What it means to them and why they might think it’s essential.

It’s easy to see that many organizations worldwide are against hunting. But, maybe if they had a deeper understanding of why people hunt and what it truly means, things might be better off.

Veterinarian, Helen
Millwright, Jareed
Wildlife Coordinator, Hunter
Student, Laura
Filmmaker, Quinn
Vegetarian, Steph
Optometrist, Eli
Mom, Montana
Chef, Paul
Banker, Matt
Salesman, Chris